A Room-by-Room Guide for Decorating with Flowers

Flowers brighten up every room. But each room is different, as is each type of flower. That’s why certain flowers work in certain rooms, but not in others. So here’s a quick guide to the best type of flowers for each room of your house.

Living Room/Family RoomA Room-by-Room Guide to Decorating with Flowers

This is the center of your home, the place where guests and family members alike will spend much of their waking hours. So the type of flowers you get will be important, as most people will see these. It’s best to get non-allergen flowers just in case any guests or family members lack allergies. If allergies aren’t a problem, then simply get flowers that will go well with the color scheme of the room.


Bathrooms are high-moisture areas, so you’ll want flowers that love lots of moisture and humidity. For this, orchids or other types of tropical flowers will do best. If you decide on orchids, keep in mind that they love indirect sunlight, so keep it near the windowsill, but not right in front of it.


Herbs are commonly grown in kitchens, but ordinary flowers are great to add as well. Since a kitchen is hotter than most other rooms, you should look for flowers that stand up to heat well. Succulents, tropical flowers, and calla lilies will work best.


For the bedroom, you’ll want to incorporate flowers that are pleasant and relaxing, both in looks and smell. Peonies satisfy both, providing a soothing smell throughout your room and looking great on your nightstand or dresser.

Dining Room

Dining rooms are one of the most elegant rooms, as this is the place where you hold your big dinners. Champagne roses are a classic and subtle flower that will enhance any meal, and their white color will ensure that they go with any color scheme.

If you’re still unsure what kind of flowers to get for your home, then give Dallas House of Flowers a call at 800-873-0917. Our team of florists can help you decide on the right flowers for each room of your house.

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